Sonntag, 1. November 2009


Rabbi Richard MARKER, at age 64, philantropist, Jew, New York City/USA

Rabbi Richard Marker is a real think tank. When I asked the married father (1 grown up son) about his life and the most important message to share, it was hard to choose from his vast experiences.
Richard is an adivsor to foundations and philanthropists throughout the USA, is Senior Fellow and professor of grantmaker education at NY University and a freqent speaker on philanthropy topics. Over his 40 year career, he has lectured in 5 continents and in over 40 of the United States. The most recent books he wrote are "You don´t have to be richt to be a philantropist" and "saying yes wisely - insights for the thoughtful philantropist". Additionally the Jewish Professor is Chairholder of the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations IJCIC and is an active member in many other boards.

Some of his advises:
*Value the individuality of each person while respecting others boundaries.
* Be open to your continually unfolding passions and the search for meaning and thus for a change of direction of your own life.
*Recognize the spiritual and rational in every human being. They are not in competition with each other. Both are needed equally.
*Accept the created world. Accept it with its realations and its human beings. Cherish the persuit of wholeness and sanctity within this world, not removed from this world.

Richards Blog:

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